Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG)

Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine

Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine
PO Box 376
Washington, VA 22747

Teresa is a dynamic teacher on health and wellness. Her approach is professional, warm and down to earth. She presents medicinal information in lay terms, in a way that is fun and easy to understand. In all of her programming, she teaches how to implement changes by integrating herbs, foods and supplements necessary to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Teresa teaches and conducts clinical consultations at Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine. Her passion for connecting people with plants is infectious as she teaches the science and art of Herbal Medicine. Infused with knowledge gained from California School of Herbal Studies, her work as an herbal educator at Smile Herb Shop and as co- founder/instructor at Dreamtime Center for Herbal Studies, she is an accomplished herbalist whose teachings reflect real life experiences gained by 20 years of clinical practice.

Teresa is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild who has lectured for national conferences such as Medicines from the Earth Symposium, Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference, North Carolina Herb Conference, UVA, Monticello Fall Harvest Festival, and National Natural Pharmacy Association. She has authored 2 books; Cordially Yours and Herbal Spa with an accompanying DVD of recipes.

My path has intersected with some of the most amazing herb teachers in North America, and I am glad to be affiliated with them.  When we gather at conferences it is empowering to share information, stories and support for one another.  Our herb community holds a great variety of ways to practice herbalism and many ways to teach herbal medicine.  I am thankful that so many outstanding herbalists have influenced my path.  I honor each of them, confident the wisdom they shared will continue to be reflected in my teachings.

So, to all who have come before us to show us the way, the ancient Greeks, the Eclectic Medical doctors, the herbal forefathers and foremothers; I am grateful.  We have followed tradition and now have a vibrant herbal community with an incredibly strong lineage. Plants have been used all over the world as medicine from the beginning of time and today more than ever we appreciate their gifts.

I will continue to grow, expand my knowledge, gain wisdom, treat clients, listen to the plants, and weave all of my life experiences into my teachings. May all who come to Green Comfort seeking plant knowledge on the green path to herbal wisdom be transformed by the plants as they teach all of us.

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MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130