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Fat Reduction Techniques

With beach season right around the corner, many people look in the mirror every day and focus on bulges and problem areas on their bodies…. Continue Reading

Jumpstart Your Summer Plans Spring Into Action

You've been saying you want to get in shape and be healthier all year, and now summer is just around the corner. If you are… Continue Reading

Hypnosis and Weight Loss

“Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.” -Seneca As Spring approaches, we will notice thousands and thousands of people starting fitness… Continue Reading

Six Kinds Of Food Allergies

What Is a Food Allergy? A food allergy, (hypersensitivity), is defined as an exaggerated immune response to a food. Reactions can vary by the person,… Continue Reading

Staying Healthy At the Gym

Many of us join a gym in order to live a healthier lifestyle, especially at the beginning of a new year. Ironically, gyms are a… Continue Reading

Weight Loss Helping Others Handle Your Achievement

Who actually believes that you can change when you set off on a journey of self-improvement? As weird as this may sound, one of the… Continue Reading

Sleep – What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything

Sleep is one of those things that we know we should do but staying up an extra hour to catch up on that missed episode,… Continue Reading

Nutritional Strategies For Anti-Aging

Anti-aging is not just about looking younger; it's also about having more energy, thinking clearly, attaining optimal weight, and being healthier in general. With nutritional… Continue Reading

Resolute Change At the Core

So you've set the resolution. You're going to the gym, you've eaten better, and you're eating more sporadically. But something is still not right. You… Continue Reading

Metabolism Matters

Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. In most cases of significant weight gain, high blood pressure, adult on-set diabetes and other chronic illness will result. Research… Continue Reading

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