Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
Karen Clarke-Bennett, DO

Make Your Weight Loss Goal Attainable

The most popular resolution each New Year is to lose weight. This goal is, for some, repeated year after year without positive results. Finding the… Continue Reading

A Healthier and More Fulfilling Life

Does this sound familiar You fight traffic in the morning, work at your desk all day (often through lunch) and fight more traffic in the… Continue Reading

In With the Good, Out With the Bad

For some people, a new year means a fresh start. Analyzing the previous year can help shed insight into what you would like the coming… Continue Reading

A Commitment To Your Health

You only get one body in this lifetime. Your health and happiness will depend greatly on how you treat it. Exercise shouldn't feel like a… Continue Reading

Make Your Weight Loss Resolutions a Reality

The New Year, for many, means that it's time to reassess our health and wellness goals, join a gym, and get back on the road… Continue Reading

Suction Fat? Freeze Fat? Shrink Fat?

Suction fat? Freeze fat? Shrink fat? It's a new year, and 1 in 3 women say they have considered more than changing their diet and… Continue Reading

Dance Your Way To a New You

Whether you've been a dancer since grade school or you're new to the art form, dancing is a great thing to add to your list… Continue Reading

Get In Shape This Year

Are you one of the 64.5% of American adults (over 120 million) who are overweight? If so, searching for the right weight loss program to… Continue Reading

Boost Your Immune System

Now that fall is upon us, and the kids have gone back to school, we all know what time it is cold and flu season…. Continue Reading

How To Beat Winter Weight Gain

It is easy to gain weight when several holidays are packed into shorter days. But winter can bring a bevy of fitness opportunities while warming… Continue Reading

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