Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Body Blasts For the Busy Bee

In today's hectic world, women often balance demanding schedules while juggling multiple roles mom, spouse, employee, and volunteer, to name a few. If you're among… Continue Reading

Boosting Your Energy With Vitamin B12

We could all use more energy in our daily lives, especially when we're heading into a workout. Whether we're about to start a cardio routine… Continue Reading

Burn Calories and Improve Health

Similar to exercise, infrared sauna therapy is a safe and effective way to improve circulation, and can be especially beneficial for patients with diabetes, high… Continue Reading

Dance For Your Health

With new technology comes new opportunities to be healthier and stronger. We're more in-tune with how many steps we take, calories we burn and heart… Continue Reading

Calories, Exercise, and Weight A Practical Approach

There is no topic that is discussed on the internet or health blogs as intensely as diet and exercise. The real good news is that… Continue Reading

The Best Spring Fruits and Veggies

This time of year is one of the best times for fresh produce. Spring fruits and vegetables are a great choice for anyone who cares… Continue Reading

Causes Of Weight Gain

As we get older, we might notice that maintaining our usual weight becomes more difficult. In fact, many men and women gain weight around the… Continue Reading

Why Exercise Is Important With Endermologie

The appearance of puckered, dimply skin caused by cellulite is a major aesthetic concern to those affected by this physically harmless, but unsightly condition. Cellulite's… Continue Reading

Why Practice Pilates?

Like a physical yoga practice, pilates (“pill-ah-teez”) links breathing with movement and strengthens the body's core the large group of muscles that includes the abdominals,… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Is Your Diet Causing Health Problems?

Many of our problems begin in the gut and with our diet. A few years ago a patient was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and celiac… Continue Reading

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