Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Physical Activity Improves Quality Of Life

Do you want to add years to your life? Or life to your years? Feeling your best boosts your zeal for life. The American Heart… Continue Reading

Hidden Determinants Of Success and Failure

Fitness and exercise are simply habits of the mind. These mind habits influence our physical habits and outcomes. Are your daily habits contributing to your… Continue Reading

4 Healthy Foods To Keep In Your Kitchen

Keeping a well-stocked kitchen is crucial in staying on track with healthy eating. Our schedules don't always allow for fresh, organic meals daily. But it… Continue Reading

Forget the Resolution Join the Weight Loss Revolution

Approximately 67% of Americans make a New Years Resolution and many are related to improved health. Interestingly enough, only 8% of people achieve their goals…. Continue Reading

Goal Setting vs. Resolutions

As we transition from Diabetes Awareness to Healthy Heart Awareness there are two months in between in which we spend time with family, take leave,… Continue Reading

Weight Loss Be More Process Focused

Don't be overly fixated on the end result of any process whether that process is losing weight or starting a business because if you do,… Continue Reading

Unlimited Motivation Personal Trainers and Group Fitness

Are you looking for a source of unlimited motivation? Try working out in a group led by a personal trainer. There's nothing better than working… Continue Reading

Good News In Weight Management

The good news is that everyone who wants to lose weight can do so with some help. The critical element here is calorie restriction. The… Continue Reading

Low Thyroid Or Type 2 Diabetic?

At its worst, women suffering with low thyroid problems are sick and tired or being sick and tired. Despite normal labs. Type 2 diabetes can… Continue Reading

Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion

Vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress the function of the immune system, which can contribute to degenerative diseases such as arthritis,… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130