Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Tips To Prevent Fitness Injuries Part Two

Improper form and/or mechanics can put excessive stress on your bones, joints, muscles, tendons and/or ligaments and may need to be assessed and modified. If… Continue Reading

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of two major kinds of chronic intestinal disorders that cause often severe symptoms that can be challenging to… Continue Reading

Your Brain On Sugar

The small daily choices we make driven by the habits we forge over years and years of routine add up to big rewards or to… Continue Reading

Transformations Health, Weight, Relationships, Finances

What is the one thing that if it changed for you right now, would make a huge difference in reaching your goals? Do you often… Continue Reading

Unplug To Reconnect With What Matters

Our devices are creating real problems in our health, in our communities, and in our families. This is not a one-sided rant against technology. The… Continue Reading

Your Weight and Leptin Resistance

Nutritional and metabolic science has been looking at the extremely complex interplay between adrenaline, insulin and leptin. It's now clear that the timing and composition… Continue Reading

Tips To Prevent Fitness Injuries

Part One Before starting out on a regular fitness program, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician. This is especially important if… Continue Reading

What Is Crohn's Disease?

Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This chronic disorder causes inflammation in the digestive tract, also known as the GI tract,… Continue Reading

For Better Health, Be Selfish

Do you struggle with setting boundaries or taking the time to care for yourself? Oftentimes, we tend to volunteer at church or in the community,… Continue Reading

Using Food To Self-Medicate The Single Most Common Reason People Put On Weight

Do you find yourself eating when you are sad, stressed, worried, bored, tired, scared, lonely, or [fill in the blank]? Do you find that food… Continue Reading

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