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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Shahrokh Shahverdi, DC, CCSP
Your Weight and Leptin Resistance
Shu's Family Wellness & Chiropractic
. http://shusfamilywellnesscenter.com/

Your Weight and Leptin Resistance

Nutritional and metabolic science has been looking at the extremely complex interplay between adrenaline, insulin and leptin. It's now clear that the timing and composition of meals is crucial if we are to retain balance among these hormones and prevent insulin, leptin and adrenaline resistance in our tissues, with special emphasis on leptin resistance. Such resistances mean we are losing control of our health and wellness and we need to get to the bottom of it.

We are starting to see that there is one healthy way to eat for nearly all of us. It is the way that maximizes the efficient function of leptin. All this information is new. Low-fat diets are incredibly destructive, as are high-fat diets. Understanding leptin may finally put to rest the conflicting diet information that is currently running rampant in society.

Twenty-first century discoveries about leptin and its role in our metabolism have dramatically changed thinking about meal frequency and wellness practice. If you're having a battle with unwanted fat deposits and energy depletion, you will have to develop a few good habits to get your body's energy metabolism back on track. Anyone who wishes to retain wellness as the calendar years add up will need to understand how to do this. Why? It's because chronic problems with leptin balance set the stage for serious health issues down the road. In addition to obesity, these health issues include heart disease, cancer, anorexia, immune, gastrointestinal, liver, nerve problems and bone loss.

Leptin management requires five basic rules. These rules apply to almost everyone, perhaps with the exceptions of diabetics or intense calorie users. Teaching yourself and your metabolism to follow these rules consistently should be an integral part of your wellness practice because they help you avoid upsetting your energy metabolism and losing your health. These rules reflect habits that serve for a lifetime, no matter what your age.

Rule 1 Never eat after dinner. Allow eleven to twelve hours between dinner and breakfast. Never go to bed on a full stomach. Finish dinner at least three hours before bed.

Rule 2 Eat three meals a day. Allow five to six hours between meals. Do not snack (exceptions are diabetics, children, young adults, body builders/athletes).

Rule 3 Do not eat large meals. If over-weight always try to finish a meal when you're slightly less than full.

Rule 4 Eat a breakfast containing protein.

Rule 5 Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

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