Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Degenerative Joint Disease

Most people think degeneration of their joints should be expected with age. You hear it all the time, “I turned 50 and everything just started… Continue Reading

Sweet Relief Pain Management and Chiropractic

Pain is your body's alarm system; it sends you sometimes subtle and sometimes urgent signals that something is wrong and needs attention. If you choose… Continue Reading

Shoulder Rotator Cuff Patients Avoid Surgery With Stem Cell, Platelet Therapy

Biologic regenerative treatments utilize advanced technology to offer patients suffering from shoulder and rotator cuff issues a non-surgical solution to pain. Significant results have already… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy for Headaches, Chronic Pain

Millions of people suffer from headaches, with tension headaches being the most common type of headache. Headache pain can be debilitating causing people to miss… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Fibromyalgia Do You Have It? How Do You Treat It?

Fibromyalgia remains a condition without a fully understood cause, in which patients report chronic widespread pain and a variety of other common complaints including fatigue,… Continue Reading

Avoid Injury While Walking

Whether taking a leisurely weekend stroll or participating in one of the many charity walk-a-thons occurring over the next five months, there are several preventative… Continue Reading

Aquatic Therapy and Fibromyalgia

While chronic pain can make exercise seem like a daunting and impossible task, aquatic therapy can make it possible while providing many benefits for overall… Continue Reading

Pain, What Is It Good For?

Did you know that sickle cell patients are often not listened to or understood? Those that are able to make changes to increase awareness of… Continue Reading

Chronic Pain Know the Real Source

Chronic pain touches everyone young and old. You do not necessarily have to be in an accident or be injured to be in pain. A… Continue Reading

Shoulder Pain A Chiropractic Perspective

Most physicians are familiar with cases where the patient visits their office complaining of shoulder pain and stiffness. This may be accompanied by complaints of… Continue Reading

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