Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Revolutionary Treatment Shows Promise For Sports Injuries

A pioneering therapy previously used in surgical patients is now showing exciting results with sports injuries, including ligament sprains, tendon tears and chronic inflammation. This… Continue Reading

Pain's Purpose

Pain causes you to pay attention to something that has ceased working correctly. It's a warning that a limit of some type has been reached… Continue Reading

All Pain Is In the Brain Hypnosis For Pain Control

Pain is not transmitted to the brain. Injury information is transmitted to the brain. The brain then interprets and translates the information. This means, pain… Continue Reading

Safe, Fast and Effective Pain Relief

The word “chiropractic” comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and literally means “done by hand.” Instead of prescribing drugs or performing… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy For Gardeners

Spring and summer can be a favorite time of year for many as the temperatures begin to increase and we are inspired to dig around… Continue Reading

Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries that we sustain with daily activities, recreation, and competitive sports. But what is a sprain and what is a… Continue Reading

Golf/Tennis Elbow Pain Alleviated By Platelet Treatments

A recent study found that patients experiencing elbow pain reported a 55.1% improvement in pain scores 12 weeks after treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP),… Continue Reading

Chiropractic For Recurring Pain

Pain is a great motivator. The physical sensation of pain is your body's way of communicating to you that something is wrong. We all experience… Continue Reading

Stay Safe On the Slopes With Chiropractic

Did you know chiropractors are available for Olympic skiers and snowboarders during winter Olympics as part of medical services provided to the athletes? Chiropractic care… Continue Reading

Disc Herniation

Recent surveys show that pain accounts for 80% of all physician visits. Unfortunately, only 48% of pain patients felt that they were getting enough information… Continue Reading

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