Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Sitting Is The New Smoking

We've all heard the saying that “sitting is the new smoking”. Not only is the average office worker spending about eight hours (1/3 of their… Continue Reading

You Don't Have To Live With Chronic Pelvic Pain

Have you been living with chronic pelvic pain (CPP)? Have you been evaluated by a pelvic pain specialist? Are you tired of circling back and… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy Technologies

Physical therapy is often recommended by physicians and practitioners for many different ailments, injuries and diagnoses as a corrective or maintenance measure. Upon beginning physical… Continue Reading

A Physical Therapist Explains Diabetes

Almost 26 million children and adults are living with diabetes (about 8% of the population). Of these, an estimated 19 million have been diagnosed, where… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy For Your Back Pain

Most people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is very common among athletes and may be the result… Continue Reading

Healing Knee ACL Injuries Without Surgery

Daily sports news seems to chronicle promising pro athletes sidelined with potentially career-ending ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) knee injuries. ACL injuries are normally treated through… Continue Reading

Arthritis Pain Relief

There is no one best way to manage arthritis pain, and no single technique that is guaranteed to give you complete pain relief. In fact,… Continue Reading

Treat Arthritis and Injured Ligaments With Stem Cells

As we age, the body breaks down. It's a fact of life. Two of the more common ailments of aging are arthritis and ligament injuries…. Continue Reading

Effective Exercise, Less Time Stretching

When you are repeatedly doing common activities, either seated or standing, you are often looking down towards your hands with your head extended away from… Continue Reading

Timeless Well-Being

Do you know that guided exercise, stretching, massage, yoga, dry needling, aquatic exercise and other physical therapy modalities count as complementary and alternative health care?… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130