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October Audiology Awareness Month

Hearing is a major part of how most people experience their surroundings. Despite this, approximately 36 million Americans experience hearing loss every day due to… Continue Reading

Before Purchasing Hearing Aids

Hearing aids purchased for a discounted rate may actually be more costly over time and not provide you with the benefit you need. Customers who… Continue Reading

Not Your Grandparent's Hearing Aids Anymore

I guess you could call me a technology lover. I use an iPhone to listen to audiobooks, to keep a calendar, even as an alarm… Continue Reading

Hearing Aid Style Versus Function

Some audiologists work with several manufacturers in order to give patients a variety of hearing aids from which to choose. The styles of hearing aids… Continue Reading

Still Wearing a Hearing Aid? Introducing Invisible-In-Canal Hearing Aid Options

As a hearing professional, I always find that I am noticing people wearing aids in public situations, such as at sporting events or the airport…. Continue Reading

Coping With Hearing Loss

It can be hard on a family when a loved one begins to suffer from hearing loss. The family dynamic might change and stress levels… Continue Reading

Communicating With Hearing Loss This Holiday Season

Imagine the entire family and a few friends gathered in the dining room ready for a holiday feast. People are beginning to seat themselves, there… Continue Reading

5 Steps To Better Hearing

Having a hearing loss is not something that anyone gets excited about. However, with the right attitude and approach, it can actually be a very… Continue Reading

Why You Should Wear Your Hearing Aids Consistently

“I only need to wear my hearing aids when I go out or when people are around” is one of the worst decisions someone could… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss Can Make the Holiday Season Frustrating These Communication Strategies Can Help

The sounds of the holidays, joyous music, lively conversation and family gatherings, are a cherished part of every holiday season. But if a loved one… Continue Reading

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