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Hearing Loss Increases Risk Of Falls

When thinking about falls, one often pictures an older person who has difficulties walking, poor vision, and other medical conditions. But you probably didn't think… Continue Reading

Seasonal Allergies Play a Role In Your Hearing and Balance

Warmer weather, a slight breeze, flowers blooming, bees buzzing allergy season, er uh, springtime, is here. This time of year plants have more potential to… Continue Reading

Medical Causes Of Hearing Loss

Pinpointing a particular cause for an individual's decreased hearing ability is not usually possible. Hearing loss may occur as a result of the aging process,… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss May Be Different For Women and Men

Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, is the slowlossofhearingthat occurs as people get older. Tiny hairs inside your ear help you hear. They pick up sound… Continue Reading

The Impact Of Hearing Aids On Quality Of Life

It would seem that hearing is a second-rate sense when compared to vision in our visually oriented modern society. People with hearing loss delay a… Continue Reading

The Real Value Of a Hearing Screening Maintain Your Maximum Hearing

Eyes? Checked. Teeth? Checked. Hearing? Everyone knows you're supposed to have your eyes and teeth checked on a routine basis your hearing should be on… Continue Reading

October Audiology Awareness Month

Hearing is a major part of how most people experience their surroundings. Despite this, approximately 36 million Americans experience hearing loss every day due to… Continue Reading

Before Purchasing Hearing Aids

Hearing aids purchased for a discounted rate may actually be more costly over time and not provide you with the benefit you need. Customers who… Continue Reading

Not Your Grandparent's Hearing Aids Anymore

I guess you could call me a technology lover. I use an iPhone to listen to audiobooks, to keep a calendar, even as an alarm… Continue Reading

Hearing Aid Style Versus Function

Some audiologists work with several manufacturers in order to give patients a variety of hearing aids from which to choose. The styles of hearing aids… Continue Reading

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