Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Start the School Year Off With a Smile

Every child wants to look their best as they head back to school this fall. Parents help by scheduling haircuts and buying new outfits, but… Continue Reading

Oral Appliance Therapy and Dental Treatment Impact One Another

Most dental intervention for treatments of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and related breathing disorders are through oral appliances (OA) that move the lower jaw to… Continue Reading

What Is With This Bad Breath?

For those of you who have felt the embarrassment of halitosis (bad breath), you know that it is something that can alter the way you… Continue Reading

Solution To Loose and Uncomfortable Dentures

Dentures have provided solutions for missing teeth in millions of people for the past 70 years. Though dentures have been the route of choice for… Continue Reading

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

In the US, it estimated that 18 million people have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) yet only 5% to 8% of the population has actually been… Continue Reading

When Should A Child First Visit the Dentist?

The most commonly asked question from medical professionals and parents alike is When should a child first visit the dentist? Most are surprised that it… Continue Reading

Recent Advances In Dental Care

In recent years, there has been so much progress in the medical and health fields; people are also very interested in hearing about the most… Continue Reading

Signs You May Have A Cracked Tooth

Having a cracked tooth may seem like something you would notice immediately. However, that's not always the case. In fact, many patients don't even realize… Continue Reading

Overall Comprehensive Wellness During Pregnancy With a Dental Focus

Normal pregnancy takes 40 weeks to reach full gestation, and over that time, the changes to the body are amazing and sometimes down right irritating,… Continue Reading

How To Avoid Losing Your Teeth

The effect of teeth on speech, eating, and cosmetic appearance has always been clear for everyone. Without teeth the enjoyment and nourishment of food, the… Continue Reading

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