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Your Health Magazine

The 2020 Holidays Are Here

How To Stay Safe With Gatherings and Family Celebrations The year 2020 will be remembered for a lot of things – the pandemic, the shutdown,… Continue Reading

How Telemedicine Saved a Life

The COVID virus has infected close to 10 million people across the world. Here in the U.S. 47 million people have been infected as the… Continue Reading

Food Insecurity During a Pandemic

Food insecurity has been defined as, “the lack of consistent access, quality and availability of food for an active, healthy life.” The number of households… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Practicing Medicine In the COVID-19 Era

This year has been turned upside down by the emergence of the COVID-19 virus. Not one of us has been untouched by this in so… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Socializing During the Pandemic

We are all aware of restrictions during the pandemic but those need to be reinforced as many times as necessary so people can have the… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Is It Turkey Time Yet? – The Holidays 2020

No doubt everyone is preparing for their normal holiday activities like Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Years, Christmas and many others. But, wait, how is this going… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

You Can Still Get Married During COVID-19

If you’ve ever thought planning or having a wedding was a demanding experience, those of you who planned to tie the knot in 2020 have… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Antibody Testing Available in Crofton, MD

COVID-19 Antibody Testing Available in Crofton, MD. Find out if you have, or had, Coronavirus, COVID-19. Get peace of mind with IGM and IGG Rapid… Continue Reading

The Coronavirus and Primary Care Practices

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has been a global catastrophe for everyone. The closings of non-essential businesses, schools, court systems, and gyms have caused a… Continue Reading

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