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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Alan S. Weiss, MD
Practicing Medicine In the COVID-19 Era
Annapolis Integrative Medicine

Practicing Medicine In the COVID-19 Era

This year has been turned upside down by the emergence of the COVID-19 virus. Not one of us has been untouched by this in so many ways, individually, in our relationships and families, and professionally. 

When the seriousness of this pandemic became obvious, business owners and health care providers had to come to grips with whether or not to keep their offices open, to see patients in person or virtually, and how to best keep everyone safe. Physicians are trained to evaluate patients through history taking and laboratory analysis, but also physical examination, which is so critical to determining diagnosis and the path forward. 

Protocols for social distancing, temperature checks, mask wearing and limiting the number people allowed in the offices at one time have been instituted. People who are sick and have a fever are told to get a COVID test or go to the ER to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to patients or staff.

And so far things have gone very well.

There are things people can do to keep safe and reduce the risk of this illness. Take vitamin D3 with the dosage between 5,000-10,000 units daily to support immune health, ideally to achieve a vitamin D level of 60-80. The use of zinc (preferably gluconate form) 25-50 mg a day may prevent viral attaching to respiratory tissues. As well, vitamin C 1,000 mg daily is a logical step to take.

Other steps we can take to maximize our immune health and resilience include getting a full night’s sleep (not easy these days due to anxieties provoked by the uncertainty of our times). Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and avoid drinking too much alcohol. 

The Mayo clinic recently published a paper supporting the optimization of hormone status as a method to support immune health. BioTe hormone pellet therapy for men and women is the most effective method of optimizing hormone health in men and women who need support in this area.

Finally for people who do get the virus, they obviously need to quarantine themselves and inform any contacts they have had. Keep a close eye on their temperature and get an oximeter to keep an eye on lung function.

Take a baby aspirin, use famotidine or cimetidine to support the immune system, continue zinc, vitamin D and C. Quercetin can be helpful as well. I do not recommend hydroxychloroquine as studies to date do not support that. And finally if things are getting worse get to the emergency room to get the treatment you need.

Everyone should also get a flu shot unless there is a contraindication…the last thing you need is to get the flu and then COVID on top of that.

None of this has been easy on anyone and there are no guarantees for anyone, but the above listed steps may well increase the chances of surviving this dangerous period with your health intact.
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