Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Empower Children To Stop Bullying

Every day, in schools across America, children are being bullied. Often, children who are bullied lack the size and confidence necessary to successfully stand up… Continue Reading

Treating Infertility

Part One Many couples who want to have a child have not been able to do so. About 15% of couples in the United States… Continue Reading

Parenting and Childhood Behavior Problems

Parenting a child can be very challenging. Many parents in Northern Virginia have full time jobs and multiple demands placed on them. We all do… Continue Reading

Why Allergies?

Soon enough Spring will arrive. Once here, listen, carefully and you will hear the sounds of spring birds chirping, kids playing outdoors. Yet equally recognizable… Continue Reading

Orthopedics For Children

Children have unique orthopedic needs. Because their bodies are still developing, children have different injury patterns and may be more susceptible to musculoskeletal infection. Congenital… Continue Reading

Childhood Obesity

The modern day lifestyle has resulted in increased childhood obesity. When children are seriously over weight, this can lead to overweight teenagers and adults. As… Continue Reading

Pediatric Orthopedic Patients

A child is a work in progress with unique orthopedic needs. Because their bodies are still developing, children have different injury patterns and may be… Continue Reading

The Amazing Results Of Applied Behavior Analysis

As more children are diagnosed with autism each year, more families become “Autism Families.” An autism diagnosis affects the entire family. One parent even described… Continue Reading

Express Yourself Reducing Challenging Behaviors With Functional Communication

A young boy hides under a slide with a grimace on his face and hands tightly clasped over his ears. Children whiz by him, laughing… Continue Reading

Occupational Therapy Improves Quality Of Life For Those With Sensory Processing Disorder

Does your child cover his/her ears or start crying when airplanes fly bywhen a leaf blower is usedwhen a blender turns on? Does your child… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130