Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

The Benefits Of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination

If you or your children are between the ages of 9-26, have you received the human papillomavirus vaccine?  Human papillomavirus, otherwise known as HPV, is… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatments

Having breast cancer is hard. Your body wages a war against cancer cells and your emotions may slide into fear, grief, anxiety and depression. And… Continue Reading

6 Ways To Find Support When Dealing With Cancer

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be devastating news for a patient and their family. Many thoughts can be scrambling through a person’s mind such… Continue Reading

Skin Cancer Signs and Symptoms

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. and will affect one in five Americans in their lifetime. The good news… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Breast Cancer Management

About one in eight U.S. woman will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. Depending on the diagnosis, an oncology team will… Continue Reading

Targeted Therapy For Renal Cell Cancer

Renal cell cancer was never responsive to chemotherapy and the survival rate for metastatic disease was very low in the 90’s – interleukin-2 had few… Continue Reading

Pain After Breast Surgery? Rehab Can Help

Breast surgery is a lifesaving treatment for many women diagnosed with breast cancer.  If you and your cancer team have determined that breast surgery will… Continue Reading

Pulmonary Toxicity From Check Point Inhibitors

With the increasing use of check point inhibitors to treat a variety of cancers, close attention needs to be placed in recognizing adverse events from… Continue Reading

Breast Cancer Surgery and Shoulder Pain

Are you experiencing shoulder pain after breast cancer surgery? Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women living in the US, making… Continue Reading

Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Physical Therapy For Treatment

Chemotherapy is a powerful and effective treatment for cancer, but it is not without its risks and side effects.  One side effect of chemotherapy is… Continue Reading

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