Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Screening For Oral Cancer

The next time you visit your dentist, ask about your oral cancer screening – most people receive one during their regular dental checkup but do… Continue Reading

Cancer Awareness: Early Detection Is Key

Cancer awareness is all about early detection, education and support for people diagnosed. Early detection is the only way to decrease the mortality of a… Continue Reading

Radiation Therapy: Reducing Long-Term Heart Complications

Radiation therapy one aspect of technology which has the potential to significantly reduce long-term heart complications in many of our cancer populations, including the breast… Continue Reading

Overdue Colonoscopies Is the Leading Cause of Colon Cancer 

Most people go through life without much thought of colon health. Though there may be jokes and puns aplenty, the state of your colon is… Continue Reading

Epigenetics: Stop Cancer Before It Begins

A simple epigenetic test shows men and women of any age what to do to potentially prevent cancer. “I’m convinced dealing with my genetic errors… Continue Reading

Acupuncture: Treating Cancer’s Side Effects

Chinese Medicine (CM) is very helpful to people undergoing cancer treatment and those recovering from it. Many scientific studies have shown that acupuncture helps with… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Cancer Care

In its 4,000 year history, acupuncture has been used to treat many illnesses and conditions. By inserting thin, stainless steel needles into points on the… Continue Reading

The Benefits Of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination

If you or your children are between the ages of 9-26, have you received the human papillomavirus vaccine?  Human papillomavirus, otherwise known as HPV, is… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatments

Having breast cancer is hard. Your body wages a war against cancer cells and your emotions may slide into fear, grief, anxiety and depression. And… Continue Reading

6 Ways To Find Support When Dealing With Cancer

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be devastating news for a patient and their family. Many thoughts can be scrambling through a person’s mind such… Continue Reading

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