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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Syed Amiry, DO
How Celebrities Look So Young and Beautiful
Reston Dermatology & Cosmetic Center
. http://www.restondermatology.com/

How Celebrities Look So Young and Beautiful

Do you wonder what type of cosmetic procedures the celebrities have before their red carpet appearances? How do they manage to look so beautiful while being constantly in the spotlight?

One secret that celebrities know is that the cosmetic procedures needed to make you look younger and more vibrant are relatively non-invasive and have minimal down time.

But even before undergoing a cosmetic procedure, there are some basic steps to help you look your best.

1. Basic skin care is essential. You need to be on a good skin care regimen before you even think about a cosmetic procedure. Professional skin care products are the most effective for treating blemishes (brown spots) and dull sun-damaged skin. They will improve your skin tone and texture. Use sunscreen all the time. SPF 15 is usually sufficient under your makeup. Use SPF 30 or higher if you are in the sun for a prolonged period of time.

2. In order to look your best, you do not need a drastic cosmetic procedure. Many procedures have minimal-to-no down time. Here are some procedures of this type Botox, Restylane, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser skin rejuvenation, tumescent liposuction (preformed under local anesthesia), mesotherapy and skin tightening.

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Drink 64 oz of water a day, eat green vegetables, and exercise at least three times a week. Recently, I met a 76-year-old man who looks like he is in 50's. His secret you ask? He drinks 64 to 100 ounces of water a day, he eats well, and exercises daily. He also meditates daily and habitually sets goals. Although he is retired, he continues to read at least 12 books a year on a subject he is passionate about and continues to work.

In addition, I believe one of the secrets to his success is that he has been happily married 52 years. He still talks about his wife as if they met yesterday. Every time he talks about her he smiles. Looking younger and healthier also requires more than just cosmetic surgery. I encourage a healthy lifestyle as well.

4. Live a more deliberate life. Focus on what is going right in your life and have a sense of humor. Don't take yourself too seriously. Do you know how angels fly? They take themselves lightly.

Most people are as happy as they make up their mind to be. The choice is yours. By the same token you can choose to be right or be kind, loving, understanding and nonjudgmental. I suggest that you choose to be happy rather than find a reason to be offended.

Also, I believe most people live in the domain of distractions-watching TV for hours, engaging in conversations that do not serve them or engage in activities that do not fulfill or nurture their souls.

Be passionate about your life. If you can live your passion and be more excited about your day you will look younger, healthier and live a long fulfilling life.

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