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The 10-Day Sugar Detox Diet: To Reset Your Body and Brain
Despite 40 years of Americans being brainwashed into thinking that fat is bad, it turns out it’s sugar, not fat, that makes you sick and overweight. Sugar in all its forms is the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most of the chronic disease sucking the life out of our citizens and our economy – and, increasingly, the rest of the world. You name it, it’s caused by sugar: heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even acne, infertility and impotence.
The average American consumes about 152 pounds of sugar a year. Flour is even worse than sugar. We consume about 146 pounds of flour a year. And flour raises blood sugar even more than table sugar. Even whole-wheat flour.
Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. Being addicted to sugar and flour is not an emotional eating disorder. It’s a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings – leading to uncontrolled overeating.
We need a clear path to detox from sugar, to break the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that robs us of our health. And it only takes 10 days – or less. We need science, not willpower, to reverse this.
Make A Decision To Detox
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, a sugar detox is your ticket to feeling great quickly and losing weight painlessly:
Do you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes? Do you have belly fat? Are you overweight? Crave sugar and carbs? Have trouble losing weight on low-fat diets?
Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Feel bad about your eating habits or avoid certain activities because of your eating?
Do you suffer from bloating, gas, reflux, irritable bowel, joint or muscle pain, brain fog, memory or mood problems, sinus or allergy symptoms?
Be A Turkey (A Cold One)
There is no way to handle a true physiological addiction except to stop it completely. Go cold turkey. Follow these steps to automatically reset your body’s neurotransmitters and hormones:
Stop all forms of sugar, all flour products and all artificial sweeteners – which cause increased cravings and slow metabolism, and lead to fat storage. Also get rid of anything with trans or hydrogenated fats and MSG. Ideally, for 10 days you avoid any foods that come in box, package or a can or that have a label, and stick to real, whole, fresh food. And the best way to really detox is to give up all grains for 10 days, too.
Don’t Drink Your Calories
Any form of liquid sugar calories is worse than solid food with sugar or flour. Think of it as mainlining sugar directly to your liver. It turns off a fat storage machine in your liver, leading to dreaded belly fat. You don’t feel full, so you eat more all day and you crave more sugar and carbs.
Power Up The Day With Protein
Protein at every meal is the key to balancing blood sugar and insulin and cutting cravings.
Eat Unlimited Carbs (The Right Ones)
There is one catch – eat only the non-starchy veggies such as greens, the broccoli family (cauliflower, kale, collards, etc.), asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, fennel, eggplant, artichokes, peppers, etc. What’s out are potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash and beets – just for 10 days. Also skip grains and beans for 10 days. It supercharges the results so you lose weight and feel great.
Fight Sugar With Fat
Fat is not a four-letter word. Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar does. Fat makes you full, balances your blood sugar and is necessary for fueling your cells. Along with protein, have good fats at every meal and snack including nuts and seeds (which also contain protein), extra virgin olive oil, coconut butter, avocados, and omega 3 fats from fish.
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