LaPlata Acupuncture and Healing Arts
203 Centennial Street
La Plata, MD 20677
(301) 932-6125
More Weight Control, Nutrition & Exercise Articles
Losing Weight Is an Inside Job
So much is focused on the outside exercise, diet, measure this measure that, fit bits, steps, scales.
Where real lasting change comes is from inside.
Once you realize “what is really holding you back”, the sky's the limit.
But wait you have to realize it, acknowledge it, and in fact welcome it. Why not it's always playing in the background. And here's one secret let it go. I mean it, for real. Even if you can only let it go right in that moment, it's huge. Because even for a moment you can finally be free of it. Wiping out blocks can be life changing.
Here are some deep emotional blocks that stop people from getting to their healthy weight
“I'm not good enough.”
“If I look pretty, I'll attract attention and I don't want to do that.” The reasons for that are varied and can be very intense.
“If I look good, my sister or mother won't like me.”
“If I look good, my friends will be jealous and I don't want to ever lose them.”
“If I look good, my husband will be jealous and I don't want the fall out.”
It goes on and on, and as you can see it's much deeper than “I don't have time,” or “I don't have energy,” “My back hurts,” “I don't want to give up foods I love.” When you love yourself, you choose foods that show that you love yourself.
You will hear the common phrase “Someday, I'll get to it, when I don't have ———- going on. The truth is, this is a lifestyle and it's a commitment to your self that doesn't end. Even once you release all the blocks, feel great about what you're doing, feel confident, and get compliments. There will be challenges. There are challenges in everything we do that we really, really want. And we can overcome setbacks. My personal bias is that a healthy lifestyle is number one. Without it, we can't give our best to anything else we really love.
If you are serious about making big changes in your life, the most important person is a coach. That coach should be about the deeper issues we talked about here. If not, there is a huge chance you will revert back to your old ways. Of course, there should be a personalized plan for you on food choices and exercise.
“If not now, when?” There is never a good time to get started as life will always have its dramatic ups and downs. True freedom is being happy no matter what is going on. When you get there in your life, there is no stopping you.
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