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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jeanette Coutin, DDS
How To Reduce That Excess Fat and Loose Skin
Fontaine de Jeunesse
. http://greatfallsmedspa.com/wordpress/

How To Reduce That Excess Fat and Loose Skin

Summer is almost over, and many of us are returning from vacation, getting the kids ready for school, and getting back into the swing of things at work. It's a busy time of year, so it's important to remember to keep up your health and wellbeing with so many distractions. This is a great time of year to focus on losing those extra pounds, adding some exercise to your daily routine, or trying a new healthy diet.

However, you may find that this is easier said than done. Even if you're dedicated to your diet and weight loss goals, you'll probably realize that some of that fat or cellulite which you've been trying to reduce just isn't going anywhere.

If this sounds familiar, you might want to try a new treatment which can help improve your body contour and address your “problem areas.” It's a non-invasive treatment which can reduce cellulite, as well as loose/wrinkled skin. This is a great option for men and women of all ages who are concerned about their excess fat, eager to see more results from their diet/workout routine, or just interested in reducing the signs of aging.

Before going into more detail, ask yourself these questions Are you concerned about your loose, saggy, wrinkled skin? Do you have pockets of unwanted fat and cellulite? Are you looking for a painless and effective treatment to improve the appearance of your skin and body? If you've answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you may want to try Venus Freeze, a new FDA-cleared treatment to improve your body's shape and appearance.

What Is Venus Freeze?

Painless and non-invasive, the Venus Freeze treatment has withstood the test of time over the last two years. It was specifically developed to provide you with a safe, pleasant, and pain-free experience in treatments for the face and body including arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck and face. It works by incorporating multi-polar radio frequency and magnetic pulsed fields.

How It Works

Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction may occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal response in the tissue, which activates the body's natural healing response. That healing response can help cause new collagen to form, new elastin fibers and the production of fibroblasts to increase.

How Do I Know If This Is Right For Me?

We all want the perfect beach body, but those of us with hectic schedules may not have the time to increase our exercise and workout routines. Diets can also be a problem, particularly for people who find it difficult to stick to their plans. On top of all that, people over 30 are likely realizing that some of that stubborn cellulite will not disappear, no matter how much exercise and dieting we try. If these concerns sound familiar, contact a certified skincare/aesthetic professional to see if Venus Freeze would be a good option for you.

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