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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Adrienne Vose, Owner
Fitting In Fitness
Move More Fitness
. http://www.movemorefitness.com/

Fitting In Fitness

Between work, kids, home life, etc., it can seem impossible to have time for regular exercise. However, with commitment and dedication, you can do it. First, it is vital to understand the importance of physical fitness. Most people recognize the obvious benefits such as weight control, increased stamina, better conditioning, and better toned muscles; however, there are many other advantages to being fit. These include increased energy and self-image, regulated appetite, reduced tension, better ability to regulate stress, improved sleep, quicker healing, and healthier cholesterol levels.

Here are some ways that you can fit fitness in to your everyday life

At Work

Stand or pace while on the phone.

Rotate between your chair and an exercise ball to engage your abdominals while working.

Set a timer to get up & stretch at your desk.

Walk to coworkers' offices to speak to them instead of calling or sending an e-mail.

Take a walk during your lunch break.

Park farther away.

Take the stairs instead of an elevator.

At Home

Use an exercise DVD some in the morning and some in the evening.

Dance while you vacuum and/or with your children.

Scrub the kitchen floor.

Play outside with your kids or dog. If it is raining or too cold, make some space and do it inside.

Walk or bike to the store instead of driving.

Walk the dog.

Read the newspaper on a stationary bike.

Pick an activity to do while watching TV or get up & move during commercials.

Additional tips

Wear a pedometer to try to increase your number of daily steps

Walk or bike to your destination instead of driving.

Have a buddy and/or a personal trainer come to your home to workout with you. If you have someone come to you, you will be less likely to cancel.

Engage in activities that you enjoy doing, set short and long-term goals and reward yourself when you meet them. These small simple steps add up. Research shows that three 10 minute sessions shows the same effect as one 30 minute session. If you fall off the bandwagon, don't get down about it; cut yourself some slack and get right back to it. The benefits are endless.

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