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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dima Ali, MD
Fat Cells Foiled Again
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Fat Cells Foiled Again

Non-surgical fat reduction is very trendy these days with multiple weapons at our disposal. It can be sucked out, frozen, chemically destroyed and lasered. A relatively new technology, Liposonix from Solta Medical, uses HIFU (“high intensity focused ultrasound”) to give us leaner abs.

Ultrasound technology is not new by any means, but when its energy and frequency are increased and focused onto fat cells, it destroys them. The device heats up fat cells to about 55 degrees Celsius (130 degrees Fahrenheit) causing permanent destruction of the cells.

One treatment takes about one hour and results in about a 2.5 cm reduction in the treated area (about one size). The abdomen, flanks, thighs, love handles and bra bulge are among the common areas treated. Fat around the knees and calves have also been treated. Generally, patients have to be able to pinch an inch of fat for the technology to work.

The treatment is uncomfortable (and at times even painful) so sedation anesthesia is sometimes used. Results are not immediate, as it takes the body about 12 weeks to see the full results. Liposonix is not a substitute for liposuction, but it is an option for those who do not want to undergo a surgical procedure.

Bruising is the most common side effect. It appears about 72 hours post treatment and lasts about a week. Liposonix results are permanent so, similar to liposuction, if weight is gained post treatment, the fat will migrate to other areas of the body (such as the breasts or arms).
Obviously the best candidates for Liposonix are active, health conscious people with localized fat deposits that “just won't go away” despite diet and exercise.
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