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All About Anabolic Steroids
Your Health Magazine

All About Anabolic Steroids


Synthetic anabolic steroids are medications created by humans that resemble the male hormone testosterone. Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are the scientific term for them. They may be purchased as a liquid or gel, although they are typically supplied as an oral tablet. Contrary to corticosteroids, which are medications used to treat ailments including asthma and arthritis, anabolic steroids are not the same. Sometimes, both are referred to as “steroids,” which might be confusing. Although doctors can prescribe anabolic steroids for medical conditions, some individuals may use them illegally to enhance their physical appearance, athletic performance, or body image. Anabolic steroids are categorized as performance & image-enhancing medications when they are used for performance. Sometimes, users refer to them as “roids,” “gear,” or “juice.”

  • How anabolic steroids are used

Anabolic bodybuilding steroids can be used topically as creams or gels, but they are primarily injected into muscles or taken orally as tablets.

Users might:

To take full advantage of their enhanced performance, users who are taking high doses typically exercise more during this period.

  • What are anabolic steroids used for?

These pills are employed for numerous sports and health-related objectives, such as:

  • Gaining weight (about 4.5 to 11 pounds) as a result of the body producing more protein.
  • reducing your total body fat percentage while building power and stamina in your muscles
  • boosting the density of your bones and producing more red blood cells
  • enhance performance in weightlifting and other strength-related sports by “stacking” steroids with other drugs like insulin and growth hormones to gain more muscle mass
  • preserving muscular mass in the face of illnesses like cancer or liver disease that cause your muscles to deteriorate
  • Is it possible to utilize anabolic steroids safely?

When used properly and in accordance with medical advice, anabolic steroids can be safely administered. If you decide to use anabolic steroids for reasons other than medicine, the following advice may help lower your chance of experiencing negative effects:

  • In order to give yourself a break, take it as little as possible or just for several weeks at a time.
  • Aim to avoid repeatedly injecting bodybuilding steroids into the same location on your body.
  • Avoid injecting them into the pectoral muscles, calf, or biceps to lower the risk of nerve injury.
  • Avoid sharing needles with other individuals in order to lower your chance of contracting HIV, hepatitis B and C, or other blood-borne infections.
  • Avoid taking anabolic steroids in combination with substances that deplete the body of water, including alcohol or coffee, or with other medications like amphetamines.


If you buy Dianabol pills or use anabolic steroids, or are considering taking them, you should consult your doctor. They can offer you advice on how to achieve your performance & image objectives more safely.
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