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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
John V. DeMaio, DC, CCN
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
DeMaio Family Chiropractic
. https://www.demaiochiro.com/

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

We all recognize this old saying, and it's never truer than when it comes to our health. If we shut down the awareness to our body's own cries for change, our body cries louder.

And louder.

And even louder!

Until we finally listen and take the action to make some important changes.

That's often what we see when new patients begin care in our practice with an obvious ache or pain.

First, they often just try to grin and bear it, hoping the problem will go away all by itself.

When the problem doesn't self-resolve, they often up the ante, suppressing the pain with over-the-counter medications.

While this may seem convenient, it merely prolongs the day when the underlying cause must inevitably be addressed.

Just as Einstein observed that problems are never solved at the same level that created them, they call us.

Wise move.

Funny how so many people claim they don't have the time for healthy habits and preventative measures, but when they lose their health, they somehow find it.

Listen to your body. What's it telling you?

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130