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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Deborah Holmes, PT
The Benefits Of a Medical Gym
Complete Physical Therapy

The Benefits Of a Medical Gym

It has been documented in a recent study that maintaining aerobic fitness through middle age could delay biological aging by 12 years. The study shows aerobic exercise improves the body's oxygen consumption and its ability to generate energy, which, in turn leads to the slowing and possible reversal of the inevitable decline of our body's function. The benefits not only can affect the middle aged but the elderly as well.

Here are common but serious life-threatening diseases that can benefit with regular exercise

High blood pressure

Cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis

Type 2 diabetes, even high risk cases


Breast cancer

Pancreatic cancer


Depression among elderly adults

Conditions that will worsen without intervention

Musculoskeletal experts can treat these disorders. By definition physical therapy is the art and science of assessing and restoring motion of a particular joint or body part or a particular movement pattern. Physical therapy is the only profession that can do that and they strive to resolve the underlying cause of a problem.

Unlike many community gyms, medical gyms (MGs) take into account each individual's medical conditions, injuries and disabilities. They design a program only after an evaluation by a physical therapist. This assessment is comprehensive to determine what exercises are appropriate. This includes the assessment of motion, posture, function, balance and strength. MGs are treating the underlying cause for the patient's condition and are constantly making recommendations for lifestyle adjustments to correct the underlying movement disorders. You are able to exercise in a safe and comfortable environment to reach your functional goals.

Other benefits of regular exercise at MGs include

Decreased anxiety and stress

Decreased risk of falls or the injury sustained during falls

Improved physical function, independence with home/recreational/work capacity

Better sleep

Pain reduction

Usually, if there is already a concern enough to recommend medication or a specialist, the patient needs a physical therapy evaluation. It is okay to be referred to physical therapy before the patient sees a specialist. The state of Maryland allows direct access to a physical therapist without a doctors' prescription and patients can go to a therapy clinic of their choice. Many patients that start in physical therapy continue their exercise routine in this health care setting.

MGs support traditional medicine rather than supplanting it. It is a conservative approach to ongoing health care and communication with your physician is made as necessary. The results can eliminate or delay the need for surgery and, in some cases, reduce the need for medications for inflammation and pain.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130