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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jacqueline Griffiths, MD
Retina Screening: Do You Need To Have One Done?
NewView Laser Eye, Inc.
. http://www.NewViewEyeCenter.com

Retina Screening: Do You Need To Have One Done?

Retina Screening: <strong>Do You Need To Have One Done?</strong>

Many of us have heard the saying “your eyes are the window to your health”. This is true because many health conditions are first detected in the Retina (the retina captures the light that enters your eye and helps translate it into the images you see). 

It is well known that diabetes and high blood pressure can damage blood vessels, which then causes damage to your retina. Inflammatory conditions can also cause damage. Eye injuries can damage your retina and the macula.

Why Is Retinal Screening Important and Is It Worth It?

Signs of high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, brain tumors, and some forms of cancer are first evident in the retina. This is well before other signs appear throughout the body. Detecting such health issues early is vital in treating them. Finding retinal disorders as early as possible is critical to potentially preventing serious disease progression and even vision loss. In addition to helping detect diseases early, retinal images provide a permanent and historical record of changes in your eye. With today’s electronic medical records applications, these images can be compared side-by-side, year after year, to discover even subtle changes and help monitor your health.

Is Retinal Screening Better Than Dilation?

While dilation still constitutes a complete eye exam, retinal imaging for screening or to follow diseases, provides a complete picture of not only your eye health but also your health in general.

How Often Should You Have a Dilated Retinal Exam?

Retina exams are part of any comprehensive eye exam no matter what your age. But unless you need glasses or have other eye conditions, you may not be seeing an eye doctor regularly. If you don’t, you should start getting eye exams at least every 2-4 years. While screening retinal imaging is not covered by insurance, it will be covered if following a known retinal disease.

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