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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Thomas P. Finley, OD
iZon High Definition Eyeglass Lenses
Dr. Finley's Family Eyecare

iZon High Definition Eyeglass Lenses

We're all buying them; high definition televisions. Now technological advances have led to the development of high definition eyeglass lenses. Patients love them.

Ophthonix has developed the iZon individually customized high-resolution lens. Its integrated vision correction solution is the first to use proprietary wavefront-guided technology. Their patented instrument (corneal aberrometer) takes superior, objective measurements of the microscopic imperfections of the cornea of the eye (front surface) to generate a person's unique optical fingerprint, or iPrint. It is the iPrint that determines the customization of each iZon lens. Eyes are like fingerprints; no two in the world are alike.

Seeing well has always meant more than just having 20/20 acuity. But until recently, traditional eyeglass lenses could only address a person's visual acuity. iZon's new high definition lenses correct for the unique microscopic imperfections or funny shapes in a person's individual eye.

These imperfections tend to diminish the quality of a person's vision. Patients may have 20/20 acuity, but still complain they don't feel they see well.

iZon lenses improve the quality of a patient's vision. Patients report

Sharper and crisper image definition

Less nighttime distortions like glare, halos, starbursts and comets from lights

Increased color vibrancy

Sharper and enhanced depth perception

Better contrast between objects

In nighttime driving tests using an FDA-validated simulator, people wearing iZon lenses driving at 55 miles per hour under glare conditions were able to react to a pedestrian in the road on average a full 20 feet sooner than drivers wearing conventional lenses. This is a significant safety margin. Automobile accidents occur in a split second. Twenty feet can make a huge difference, and possibly even a life and death difference.

People who want the best possible vision, desire high-precision vision, and feel visually challenged when driving at night will benefit the most with these new iZon high definition lenses.

Offering patients the best possible vision correction must include this new technology. During your eye examination, the optical imperfections of each of your eyes will be measured with the new Z-View Aberrometer. Your doctor will receive a detailed report of your unique iPrint, and combining this information with other findings from your comprehensive eye examination, your custom-made iZon high-resolution lenses will be fabricated to provide you high definition vision day and night.

When a person first puts on their new iZon eyeglasses, they seem to experience the “wow” effect. The first words out of their mouth are usually, “Wow, I've never seen this well.” If your next eye examination indicates your vision can benefit significantly by switching to iZon high definition eyeglass lenses, you may want to strongly consider this. They're a little more expensive than normal eyeglasses, but worth it. Our world is a beautiful place. See everything as best as you can.
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