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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
Cleansing Herbs
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals

Cleansing Herbs

Purifying herbs can be useful when one is considering breaking a bad habit, or feels sluggish after a season of indulgences. Periodic small cleanses are a healthy habit in conjunction with a diet rich in vegetables, lean protein, fruits, and whole grains. Purification need not be a rigorous fast, and can be a gentle and supportive process when the right herbs are used.

A very simple cleanse that benefits the liver and gallbladder in particular involves fresh aloe, lemon juice, and a pinch of cayenne. Ideally, fresh aloe pulp straight from the plant should be used. Scrape about a tablespoon; add an equal amount of fresh lemon juice, and a pinch of cayenne. Drink first thing in the morning and repeat for a few days.

Triphala is a blend of three fruits from India, and is a very gentle bowel tonic. Tonic herbs are nourishing, making the organ stronger. Triphala promotes regularity without weakening the bowel walls, as most laxative herbs will do. Triphala is not a laxative, and will not cause diarrhea or griping pains. Regular bowel movements are essential to maintaining a healthy weight and to general health.

Blood purifying herbs include red clover, pau darco, cleavers, echinacea, and yellow dock. Cleansing herbs on the blood level have been used to address skin disorders, circulatory problems, as adjunct cancer treatment, and to alleviate fatigue. Red clover has a mild blood thinning action, and should be avoided with Coumadin use or prior to surgery.

The herbs mentioned above are all gentle and should not cause adverse reactions. When undergoing a fast or cleanse however, consider the following. If one has a compromised immune system, are undergoing drug treatment, or recovering from an illness, a cleanse is not recommended until the body is stronger. For chronic illnesses such as lupus, or diabetes, cleansing may aggravate symptoms. Remember no herbs can counteract a poor diet, and all efforts to purify should be accompanied by quality foods.
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