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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Afsoon Khoshnevis, OD
Attention Latisse Users
Oliver Opticians

Attention Latisse Users

Latissee (bimatoprost) is a prescription drug used to enhance lash thickness and growth. It should only be used for patients with history of chemotherapy or patients with inadequate lashes.

This drug was first introduced to the market as a glaucoma medication. Its function is to increase the drainage of the fluid inside the eyes to reduce eye pressure. Other effects were first reported by another drug of the same family (prostaglandin agonist) called Xalatan (latanoprost). With continuous use, lashes become longer and thicker, and hazel color eyes darken. Patients using these eye drops report the noticeable change almost always.

The point of this article is to warn people who overuse it or are not careful about avoiding getting it in their eyes. This drug should not fall in the wrong hands, such as someone who could abuse dosage or application. This drug is to be applied along the base of the upper lashes on the lid with a clean applicator once a day, just as the drug label instructs.

Patients should be wary if they notice eyelid darkening, deepening of the eyelid sulcus (sunken eye look), darkening of the iris color (if it is undesirable), and most importantly blurriness. Blurry vision could be a sign of swelling of the retina or macular edema (tissue that images form on in the eye). This would need immediate treatment.

This drug should be stored in a safe place away from hands of eager teenagers, who might be tempted to immediately achieve their dream of longer lashes. It is a serious drug and should not be taken lightly.
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