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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Mayo Friedlis, MD
Avoid Surgery When Treating Hip Pain/Labral Tears
National Spine & Pain Centers
. http://www.treatingpain.com

Avoid Surgery When Treating Hip Pain/Labral Tears

The hip is one of the largest and most critical joints in the body. It is essential to daily function, controlling the ability to walk, run and jump. The hip relies on the labrum (small cartilage on the inside of the hip joint) to provide a cushion between the ball and socket of the joint. The labrum also helps to control the motion of the hip.

Hip labral tears, a common injury for athletes, occur when there is extreme compression or a twisting/wrenching motion of the hips.The tear causes pain in the front of the hip, which can radiate down into the thigh or groin area, creating a “pop” or “click” felt on the inside of the hip.

Over time, the pain from a labral tear can increase in severity and intensity. Since the hip is a poorly vascularized area, a labral tear often does not heal well on its own. Invasive surgery is typically required and can include tacking, trimming or sewing down the tear.

New Treatment For Labral Tear Without Surgery

In many cases, regenerative treatments can now be used to heal the injury without the risks and protracted recovery associated with surgery.

The treatment options available to treat a labral tear are Stem Cell Therapy and SCP (Super Concentrated Platelets) both of which are part of Regenexx protocols. Regenexx, the national leader in regenerative medicine, has the most advanced biologic solutions available.

Stem Cell Therapy The Regenexx Protocol

Regenexx Stem Cell therapy makes use of the supply of stem cells available in the body to help repair injured and degenerated tissues. The stem cells are harvested from the hip bone, under ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance. After the bone marrow blood is drawn, it is processed by hand to concentrate and purify the stem cells. The stem cells, along with a super concentrated platelet mix, are placed precisely into the injured site to improve the likelihood that stem cells will adhere to the damaged area and promote healing. Concentrated platelets and adjuvants are injected, 2-5 days later, to keep the stem cells activated and promote rapid healing.

Super Concentrated Platelets

Regenexx SCP therapy is a more advanced version of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). SCP stimulates tissue repair by releasing growth factors.

These growth factors promote the healing process by attracting the stem cells that repair damaged tissues. SCP intensifies this process by delivering a higher concentration of platelets.

The concentrated SCP is injected into and around the point of injury, significantly strengthening the body's natural healing processes.

Because our samples are all hand processed, the SCP sample is free of any contaminating red and white cells, which can inhibit repair. This same process also allows us to customize the concentration and volume for each individual and each injury type.

With Regenexx therapies, there is hope to restore a patient's ability to perform their activities, without the trauma of surgery.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130