Genoa Healthcare LLC
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Workplace Stress Alarming Health Consequences
Have you recently felt lethargic? Have you lost interest in working on the same project? Do you feel isolated and powerless at work? Are you thinking that transfer from one office to another would resolve your work stress?
Here is what other employees are reporting: The new transfer may not work as they projected. Ms. J, a professional of 24 years of experience, was transferred to a new division. After two months, she reported, “They have given me a bunch of files to review to check the missing pages. I am quite isolated, I may get a chance to talk to our custodian.”
Some employees speak up and face different consequences. Others find techniques to create distance from the employer, pretending nothing is wrong. Yet, others may ask for a transfer, to reduce work stress. An employee reported that due to her “extreme fear” of her supervisor, she was wearing sunglasses at work to avoid direct eye contact with her. She added, “I am scared even to open my emails.”
Experiencing chronic high stress puts our immune system at risk
Laurie Meyers, a senior writer for the Counseling Today, discusses very important issues related to the idea of “work as a mortality risk” issue. Myers citing Dr. Jeffrey Pfeffer, a University Stanford professor, who writes, “Stress caused by modern work place conditions is sickening employees mentally and physically.” In fact, Pfeffer’s research is based on work related stress: unemployment and layoffs, the absence of health insurance, shift work, long work hours, job insecurity, low social support and low organizational fairness.
Interviews with other counselors who serve employee assistance programs reveals severe work-related stress reported by clients and how their health and quality of life are impacted on a daily basis. Fear, anxiety, depression, lethargy, reduced motivation and finally, the decision to quit the job, are among the problems reported by employees.
An ideal work place is a major part of life satisfaction. However, solutions for work-related stress are multidimensional and include effective organizational policy, management competency, and successful team building. Other considerations are as follows:
• Open communication on a regular basis so the employees have the opportunity to voice their dissatisfaction.
• Participation at all levels in improving the workplace.
• Providing wellness programs at work.
• Model “emotional modulation” for employees to create trust.
• Providing employee assistance programs and peer support groups.
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