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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Charles L. Feitel
What's In a Building?
Charles L. Feitel Company
. http://medicalanddentalspace.com

What's In a Building?

I have been working with doctors and healthcare professionals for almost a decade finding space or leasing space. When a doctor is in search of space, many issues need to be dealt with. Like any other kind of real estate investment the first three concerns are location, location, location. Then some other issues are dealt with.
Does the building have adequate parking to see patients and handle staff?
Does the building HVAC system allow the doctor to see patients after hours?
Can the patients gain access to the space after hours?
Will medical use be compatible with the other tenants in the building?
Who is going to pay for the build out of the space?
Are the building and handicap space accessible?
Does the landlord understand medical space is different from office space?
Is the deal a “market” deal? (Is the rent fair, together with the landlord build out contribution?)
How easy is it to build out the space for medical use?
Does the lease address those issues unique to medical users? Will
the landlord make changes in the lease necessary for healthcare professionals?
None of these questions are answered overnight. Just as a doctor takes years to gain experience in his/her profession, finding the right space takes years of experience gained through different yet educational experiences. I have heard people say “It is easy to put plumbing in the space”. Is it the right type of plumbing? Who is going to pay for it? How much time will it take? Or is the landlord all right with a medical use?
The real question is, does the landlord want a medical user? Why? Lots of reasons. Doctors are demanding tenants because of the nature of their business. Doctors need a lot of parking for their patients and staff. Medical space is harder to fit out than traditional office space. Who will be responsible for cleaning the office? That is important because cleaning medical space requires more than just dusting and emptying the trash cans.
So the next time you ask what is in a building, consider all of these issues. On the outside a medical office building may look just like a normal office building, but on the inside things get much different.

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