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What Is the Feldenkrais Method?
The Feldenkrais Method®, founded by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, is a form of body and mind education, using the newest neuroplasticity research. It works with gentle movements hands on and with verbal instructions, and in individual or group lessons. Through this method, you become more aware of what you are doing and detect unhealthy habits that make you strain or have pain. You learn how to move easier, more efficiently and improve your physical and mental flexibility and coordination. Most of all: you discover again the joy of movement despite physical or cognitive obstacles. As a parent, you will find your child moving with joy, curiosity and ease instead of strain and repetitive exercises.
Feldenkrais practitioners look with optimism at development and growth: they look at the whole person, no matter the age. The practitioner engages specific movement sequences that are playful, developmental or very specific and detailed, all while paying close attention to the process of learning and curiosity. This is where self-growth can really happen and it is wonderful to see this in each child and adult.
Practitioners work in ways such as neurological, biological or developmental. They can also look at the emotional and social aspects of movement and development in relation to the family as a whole. Dr. Feldenkrais said: ”What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity. ”
Here are some stories from patients who have benefitted from Feldenkrais:
“I began to notice how I sit at the computer – that I always get stuck leaning to one side. Now I know a lot more variations than just sinking into one armrest.”
“I will never forget one particular day when the Feldenkrais practitioner was focused on my son’s heels. He started out with the typical stiff, high tone feet and floppy body. But as she moved through the lesson, his feet relaxed and flattened, his hips and then shoulders started moving independently of each other, and soon enough he started pushing up through his forearms to lift his head and trunk off the table! Dylan had never before gotten himself into that position. He knew his body was doing something special and he was incredibly proud of himself.” (Mom of a child with cerebral palsy)
When you book a lesson, look for a guild certified practitioner (GCFP) to get the best quality treatment.
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