National Integrated Health Associates
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New Solutions For Anxiety/Depression
The medicine of the future has arrived. Healthcare is maturing into a new integrative medicine understanding of the connection between mental and physical health known as the “omics” revolution. Omics addresses the ecology, i.e., the environment and relationships within the body in the same way we address the ecology of a rainforest.
The four main types of omics are
1. Genomics (changing the structure, function and dynamics of genes and genetic expression, or genome)
2. Neuromics (changing the structure, function and dynamics of the brain, or neurome)
3. Metabolomics (changing the structure, function and dynamics of the metabolism, or metabolome)
4. Microbiomics (changing the structure, function and dynamics of the GI tract or microbiome)
All four “omes” can be studied in precise detail via diagnostic testing and optimized in their expression. This is known as precision medicine.
How This Applies To Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health
Why is diabetes clearly linked to depression? The brain (neurome) depends on balanced sugar metabolism (the metabolome).
How do certain yogurt commercials proclaim that their yogurt will cause you to feel and function better in two weeks of daily use? The answer stems from hundreds of studies that suggest a strong link between the flora in our GI tract (the metabolome) and our brain (the neurome).
Why all the excitement about gene testing? Because 100's of quirky genes called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the genome can now be inexpensively tested, and they can be modified to improve the expression of the neurome (brain), microbiome (GI) and metabolome (metabolism).
If you seek help for an intestinal problem, the problem is far more likely to be caused by an ecological imbalance in the biomass of organisms living in your intestines. This is called the microbiome, which contains 90% of the cells of your body and houses 99% of the body's DNA.
We are also now finding how this can be related to the individual's genome. For example, if the FUT2 SNP exists in their genomic profile, short chain oligosaccharides (short starch chains) are not made by the cells in the intestines to feed the good flora, and the person is susceptible to Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Precision medicine can provide successful solutions for depression, anxiety and mental wellbeing by diagnosing and addressing a variety of risk factors or causes, including
Chronic hidden infections in the mouth, the GI tract, the sinuses, and blood
Allergies like gluten,
Toxins chemicals and heavy metals like mercury or lead,
Poly-pharmacy toxicity taking many medications at the same time,
Regular psychotropic drug use illicit, recreational, or prescriptive,
Metabolic disturbances like hypoglycemia,
Endocrine imbalances like testosterone deficiency,
Nutritional deficiencies like deficiencies for specific vitamins and minerals, amino acid precursor deficiencies, brain neuroplasticity distortions from essential fatty acid imbalances and oxidative stress, gastrointestinal imbalances from mal-digestion, and,
Genetic quirks that seriously predispose people to various imbalances – including addiction, depression and anxiety.
We are finding that these are the causes for chronic psychiatric disturbances, as well as chronic medical problems.
Thanks to the omics revolution and precision medicine, many can now experience a new level of wholeness and wellbeing.
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