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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Mothers, Fathers and Their Children
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Mothers, Fathers and Their Children

Moms and dads, we are happy to have you in our lives. Really, what would our lives be like if it were not for you? You are the ones who care for our well being. You are the ones that try to do the best you can to help your children grow and develop. You are the ones who provide our food, clothes and nourishment. You are the ones who give us what you think will be best for us to grow and develop into responsible, healthy, happy children.
Moms and dads, you are the ones who give us our parties and gifts at times when you feel we should have them. You are the ones who dress us in todays fashions and provide us with all the latest and greatest toys, games, telephones and electronics.
All of these gifts are fine. We like these things very much; they sometimes make us happy or sometimes they make us sad. They make us sad when they are given to us to keep us busy, quiet, or out of the way. Sad because sometimes we want to spend time with you, talk with you. These beautiful gifts are fine but just talking to you or being in your company sometimes is what we really want. Yes, we have all the things that will keep us busy and away from you, but we want you.
Do you realize when you give us handheld toys at the age of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and up, that these games take our attention away from our surroundings? Are you aware of the fact that when we are so involved in the game that we are inattentive to who or what is around us? How are we suppose to know who is watching us, or who is planning to do some ill will to us when we are so involved in our handheld game we are unaware of our surroundings?
Mommy and Daddy if I am playing my game at the age of 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6 how am I to know to put the game up and away before leaving out of the house, school or shops when you are shopping, if you do not tell me too? How am I supposed to learn the dos and donts of handheld games if you dont take the time to teach me, simply because you have sent me in my room with all of the toys that take my attention and keep it within myself and away from you?
Mommy and Daddy, I also know that even though you did not give birth to me physically, I know that you are still my mommy and daddy.

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