Advanced Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing Center
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Frederick, MD 21704
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Mercury Poisoning
Mercury is one of the six most poisonous metals on earth. Mercury has poisoned thousands of people as a result of industrial dumping, food contamination, vaccines and dental fillings. We have to consider the contamination from eating fish by exposure from pesticides and herbicides used on our farmlands.
The metal in your mouth got its start about 150 years ago when dentists discovered a less expensive way to fill cavities in teeth than silver. The mix is an assortment of metals is composed of 45% to 52% mercury, 30% silver and small amounts of copper, zinc and tin. The ADA has told the public and dentists that as an amalgam, mercury was not released but rather stayed safely locked inside the filling. They now have to admit that mercury is being released in vapor form and that 80% of that mercury vapor is being absorbed into the body.
A number of studies have shown that mercury levels in the blood rise several times when people with amalgam fillings chew or drink hot liquids. This is a real concern in pregnant and lactating mothers. It has been demonstrated that the mothers mercury levels are directly proportional to the number of amalgam fillings she has. It has also been shown that the concentration of mercury in the babys body is higher than the mothers. It appears that the placenta concentrates the mercury toward the baby, and because of the childs small size, the mercury dose is much more toxic to its tissues than to those of the mother.
One effect that high mercury levels have on the unborn baby is that they lower one of the brains most protective antioxidant molecules – glutathione. One fairly recent study found that even very low exposures to mercury could adversely affect fetal brain development. What most people – and many doctors – forget is that people are exposed to numerous sources of mercury every day, including that found in foods, the air you breathe, vaccines, seafood and dental amalgam
Once in the brain, all forms of mercury (organic and vapor) are converted to the ionic form. Numerous studies have found that mercury, even in very low doses can alter how the brain functions – especially in terms of memory, concentration, motor control and behavior. Depression, memory loss, moodiness, irritability, a lack of interest in events, a desire to be alone, shyness and outbursts of anger have all been described. More and more studies have shown elevated mercury levels in the brain, blood or spinal fluid of people with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease and Lou Gehrigs disease.
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