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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kathi Whitten, LCSW
Life Takes an Unexpected Detour
No. VA Psychotherapy Associates

Life Takes an Unexpected Detour

Generally, we have a sense of our lifes direction, formed from our goals, plans and the expected day-to-day events we take for granted.

But sooner or later, there will be an unforeseen change of course. It could be an illness, job change, school problems, new relationship, marriage or re-marriage, death, separation, new child or step-child, frightening event or an accident. Something will occur that will force us into a temporary or permanent detour from the life trajectory wed previously been on.

Many people adjust to the changes and go on. But others find themselves unprepared to handle the transition alone. They perhaps feel overwhelmed, not knowing how to manage – often not wanting to admit to themselves or others theyre having difficulty coping.

Many qualities are helpful when facing change, such as a good family/friend support network, personal coping skills, good medical or financial resources, a sustaining spiritual connection, previous life experiences, and so on.

But adjusting to new situations especially those which dramatically alter ones life may be very challenging. One might have very good emotional and concrete resources, but still struggle to adapt. None of us can absolutely predict how well manage when something major causes a serious shift in our lives.

This is frequently what brings someone to psychotherapy. They may have previously handled lifes joys and hardships, yet something prevents them from finding a way successfully to cope with this current situation. Or it may be an accumulation of things that begin to seem too much.

Psychotherapy can be useful when unsettling events become too much to handle alone. Some questions you might ask yourself include

Has this evoked a more profound emotional response than you can manage?

Is this a situation you feel others wouldnt understand?

Does this situation leave you feeling different or isolated?

Are you and others unable to agree on how to deal with this?

Does this situation leave you endlessly worrying or ruminating about it?

Has this left you feeling so distressed, depressed, shocked, ashamed, scared, anxious or “stuck”, that you cannot move on?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should contact a professional to discuss your particular issues, to see if, and how, personal, couple, family, or group counseling would be a helpful choice for you when facing a difficult life situation.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130