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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Happy New Year: Bring It On!
Happy Hour Yoga Center

Happy New Year: Bring It On!

20/20 – that’s considered perfect vision. Is that 20/20 vision in the eyes, thoughts and/or actions?

2020…what do you see? How perfect is your vision? Are you looking through both eyes or are you looking through one eye?

What you see has to do with the strength of your vision and the clarity of your mind. Vision can be with the inner and outer eyes.  The lens of your vision can be cloudy, dirty, smudged or clear.

Vision deals with perception; you see what your mind shows you. You vision comes from your thoughts and how you see what you see. What…your vision, whether it’s 2020 in both eyes or a difference in the eyes, reflects in images (mental pictures) of what you see in your mind, thoughts, and actions.

Your reality is based on the strength of the eyes. You are what you see. What you see is what you think.  What you think are the results of your thoughts.

A thought comes from the knowledge and understanding of what you see.

To have perfect vision in eyes, mind and perception it is very imperative that you strengthen your vision.

How do you strengthen your vision for 2020? This is how you can have perfect vision in both eyes and perception.

2020 is the beginning of the New Year, new life and a new you. It is a time to restart or continue with your thoughts of what you will bring into your life in 2020. Negative thoughts equal negative results. Positive thoughts equal positive results. It is the perception of your thought (what you see on the inside of you).

This is how to manifest for 2020:

• Write down your intentions for 2020

• Visualize what you want, desire, and need (health, wealth, happiness, baby, home or whatever).

• Bring your thoughts and awareness to your breath.

• See in your inner eye (your third eye – the eye of knowing, intuition, and gut, or whatever you like to call it. Go inside of you.)

• Breathe…

• Feel your breath…

• Feel your connection to the Universe…

• See what you want, desire or and need…

• Breathe some more…

• Send the energy out into the universe, atmosphere…

• Know that it is already manifesting; know that it is already happening.

• Know that you do not have to beg or plead.

• Thank the universe for listening, thank yourself for taking the time with yourself, and thank the self for having patience with the self. Thank the self for loving and forgiving the self of what has already passed.

• Allow the self to be the self. The good self, the loving kind, patient self.

• Become your true self. Your authentic self. Your beautiful self. The self, a product of this universe. The cosmos.

• Inhale…Exhale….

• Open your eyes… (I did not tell you to close your eyes; you closed them when your breath became one with the mind).

• Meditate. It cleanses the window of your mind and thoughts.

Happy New Year!
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