Dr. Carla Messenger Licensed Clinical Psychologist
2300 North Pershing Drive
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 527-1200
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Benefits Of Group Therapy
Deciding to begin therapy can be an intimidating process. Which therapist do I choose? How do I go to a stranger and open up about my problems?
Some people think it is embarrassing, even shameful, to go to individual therapy. Common problems, including anxiety, adjustment to transition or life stress, parenting issues, or relationship struggles are shared by many people. While going to a therapist on your own can feel painful or embarrassing, group therapy is often a good alternative.
Groups provide emotional support and the sense that others struggle similarly; decreasing feelings that you are going through something alone and no one else struggles in the same ways. People frequently report that group therapy, conducted by a licensed professional, allows them the opportunity to gain knowledge from an expert while receiving peer support and compassion. Group members encourage each other, and often get to practice some of the skills taught by the professional while in session together.
So, if you were feeling alone in your need for counseling, a group may be the right choice for you.
There are many types of group sessions available for topics such as Skills for managing her anxiety, improving the quality of relationships, parenting children and teens with intense emotions and many others.
Participate in a group and see for yourself. It may be just what you need.
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