Montgomery Fertility Center
3202 Tower Oaks Boulevard
Suite #370
Rockville, MD 20852
More Infertility Articles
Why You Are Unable To Conceive: Part Three
Part 3
There are many ways to see if ovulation occurs. Some tests are done by the woman herself and others are done by the doctor.
• Urine Test – A way to predict ovulation is by using a urine test kit at home. This test measures luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone that causes ovulation to occur. If the test is positive, it means ovulation is about to occur.
• Basal Body Temperature – After a woman ovulates, there is a small increase in body temperature. To measure basal body temperature, a woman takes her temperature by mouth every morning before she gets out of bed and records it on a chart.
• Blood Test – After a woman ovulates, the ovaries produce the hormone progesterone. A blood test taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle can measure progesterone to show if ovulation has occurred.
• Endometrial Biopsy – The lining of the uterus (endometrium) changes at ovulation. Sometimes a biopsy is done in this area to find out whether and when ovulation has occurred.
• Hysterosalpingography (HSG) – This test is an x-ray that shows the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
• Transvaginal Ultrasound – Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images of pelvic organs.
• Hysteroscopy – A thin telescope-like device, called a hysteroscope, is placed through the cervix. The inside of the uterus may be filled with a harmless gas or liquid to provide more information. With the hysteroscope, the doctor can see the inside of the uterus. During this procedure, the doctor can correct minor problems, get a sample of tissue for study, or decide whether another procedure is needed.
• Laparoscopy – A small telescope-like device, called a laparoscope, is inserted through a small cut (about 1/2 inch or less) at the lower edge of the navel. The doctor can look at the tubes, ovaries, and uterus. The doctor can look for pelvic problems, such as endometriosis or scar tissue. Fluid is placed into the uterus to see if the fluid spills from the ends of the tubes. This shows if the tubes are open or blocked.
Infertility often can be treated with lifestyle changes, medication, surgery or assisted reproductive technologies – it depends on the cause. After your evaluation, talk with your doctor about the treatment options for you and your partner.
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