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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Maribel Vann, DDS
TMJ Disorder
. http://drmaribelvann.com/

TMJ Disorder

And Other Related Symptoms

Patients who have been labeled as hypochondriacs may also often suffer from the “dental distress syndrome”. According to Dr. Al Fonder, this syndrome is caused by mal-occluded teeth (improper bite), which results in spasms of the muscles of the jaws, head, neck, and shoulders. This may routinely cause pathologic alterations throughout all the systems of the body and mind. Many of these patients complain of the following symptoms

1. Chronic headaches (including migraines)

2. Dizziness and vertigo

3. Loss of hearing

4. Eye pain

5. Facial pain

6. Anxiety

7. Nervousness

8. Forgetfulness

9. Chronic fatigue

10. Insomnia

11. Sinusitis

12. Vague and distinct body pains

Dr. Fonder also clinically observed that removal of the dental distress allowed the body, in many cases, to self-correct structurally, chemically and physiologically.

This patient was also suffering from chronic headaches, facial pain, popping and clicking of the temporo-mandibular joints, clenching and grinding, neck and low back pain. This is a typical example of someone who is suffering from dental distress syndrome.

Photograph #1 shows a very severe overbite. As you can see, the lower teeth are not visible when the patients teeth are together. Photograph #2 is the side view showing a severe over jet (the upper front teeth are sticking out too forward).

This patient was treated with the Advanced Lightwire Functional Appliance (ALF), as seen in the picture below.

This particular bite problem also contributes to bad posture. The photograph below shows a head tilt to the right. The left shoulder and shoulder blade are lower than the right side.

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