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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Tammy Leiner, Thermographer
October Is Breast HEALTH Awareness Month!
The Longevity Center

October Is Breast HEALTH Awareness Month!

October Is Breast HEALTH Awareness Month!

Isn’t that refreshing? Is it a better idea to focus on health -vs- an outdated, invasive fear-based strategy – year after year? We think so. 

For most Americans, the word Cancer is constantly bombarding someone in our inner circle.

It is scary, very emotional and ugly. We are fearful for ourselves, our family, our friends and neighbors.

The word Mammogram also has a negative connotation for most – pain, fear, the “what if they find something” factor. 

There are other options for women!

Thermography screenings are the best breast test you probably have never heard of. The technology has been around for over 50 years. The screening is very easy, safe, affordable and performed without harm – (no compression, no radiation) or fear driven. It is information driven.

The more information you have, the better the outcome. It has always been our philosophy. 

For most of our women clients, it is their go-to test along with their yearly physicals. For a few others, it is their main breast diagnostic tool –  along with an occasional ultrasound (or mammogram).   

What Is Thermography?

Thermography is infrared imaging for the breasts and body that is a non-invasive method to determine stagnant fluid, inflammatory processes and vascularity that may be occurring – years before other tests can see it. This scan looks at temperature and symmetry of each breast to determine if activity is present. 

How Can We Reduce
Our Risk Factor?

There are many easy techniques to help and promote breast health.

Although there are a few things that can’t be eliminated (like family gene mutations), there are many we can avoid or reduce – such as estrogen use (HRT, birth control) smoking, poor diets – and yes, radiation exposure.  

Preventative measures include: Eliminating (or reducing) sugar, soda, alcohol and carbohydrates. An alkaline/anti-inflammatory diet is ideal. Dry brushing underarms toward the chest area can break up lymphatic congestion – and an essential oil protocol (including frankincense, lavender and lemon) can reduce tenderness, inflammation and fibrocystic activity.

We have a full list of preventatives to share (just ask)! We are truly dedicated to women’s health and education!
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