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Ming Xu, LAc, DOAM
How Not to Gain Weight During the Holiday Season
Monterey Institute of Natural Medicine
. https://www.montereyinstituteofnaturalmedicine.org/

How Not to Gain Weight During the Holiday Season

How Not to Gain Weight During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is synonymous with festive cheer, family gatherings, and an array of delicious foods. While it’s a time for merriment and relaxation, many dread the potential weight gain associated with indulgent holiday feasts. However, with a little mindfulness and planning, it’s entirely possible to relish the festivities without adding extra pounds. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate the holiday season without compromising your waistline.

1. Practice Mindful Eating:
Being present during meals can make a significant difference. Instead of mindlessly munching on every treat in sight, focus on savoring each bite. This not only allows you to enjoy the food more but also helps in recognizing when you’re full. Overeating often occurs when we eat too quickly or when we’re distracted.

2. Portion Control is Key:
It’s not always about denying yourself your favorite holiday treats but rather enjoying them in moderation. Use smaller plates during meals, which naturally restricts the amount of food you can pile on. When faced with a wide array of options, sample a little bit of everything instead of loading up on just one dish.

3. Stay Active:
While it might be tempting to snuggle under a blanket all day, ensure you incorporate some form of physical activity into your routine. This doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym. Fun activities like dancing at a holiday party, playing with kids, or taking brisk walks can burn calories and keep your metabolism active.

4. Prioritize Hydration:
With the drop in temperature and an increase in the consumption of alcoholic or sugary beverages, it’s easy to forget about water. Staying hydrated aids digestion, keeps you feeling full, and helps in flushing out excess sodium and toxins.

5. Plan Ahead:
If you know you’ll be attending a big holiday dinner, make lighter and healthier food choices during the day. This balances out your caloric intake and ensures you don’t go overboard.

6. Don’t Skip Meals:
One might think that skipping a meal can compensate for a big feast later in the day. However, this often backfires. When you skip meals, you tend to be ravenous by the time you get to the main event, leading to overeating. Eating small, balanced meals throughout the day can keep your hunger in check.

7. Limit Sugary and Alcoholic Beverages:
While a glass of eggnog or mulled wine epitomizes holiday cheer, these beverages are laden with hidden calories. Enjoy them in moderation and alternate with glasses of water.

8. Get Adequate Sleep:
Sleep plays a pivotal role in weight management. Lack of rest can disrupt hunger-regulating hormones, leading to increased appetite and poor food choices. Despite the late-night festivities, ensure you get a good night’s rest.

9. Listen to Your Body:
Above all, it’s crucial to be in tune with your body. Recognize the signs of hunger and fullness. Eat when you’re genuinely hungry and not out of boredom or because of the clock.

10. Enjoy the Non-Food Aspects:
Remember, the holiday season is about more than just food. It’s about love, gratitude, family, and traditions. Engage in non-food-related activities, be it singing carols, decorating the tree, or exchanging gifts. These experiences provide joy without the added calories.

In conclusion, the holiday season doesn’t have to equate to weight gain. With a balanced approach, it’s possible to enjoy all the festivities and still maintain a healthy weight. Embrace the season with mindfulness and moderation, and you’ll step into the New Year feeling great both inside and out.

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