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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Owen Liao, PhD, LAc
Development and Healing Of Chronic Disorders
Whole Health Medical Center

Development and Healing Of Chronic Disorders

Many people are increasingly interested in alternative approaches to medicine, which opens the door to look at disease and healing in a different way, and are becoming more aware of treatments and philosophies that are supported more by anecdotal evidence, rather than scientific.

One of those might be the relationship between personal energy levels and the development and healing of chronic disorders. This requires an understanding of homeostasis, which, in terms of energy, I define as, “the energy pattern of a healthy life around a balanced energy level.”

The accompanying chart shows a blue line, which represents a typical energy pattern of a healthy life. I believe the steady energy level is maintained by the inner self-healing power of the body, which I refer to as homeostasis.

Well Zone and Sick Zone

The chart shows a blue area, which is the well zone, and a brown area, which is the sick zone. The borderline of the two zones is the base energy level of the body.

The body usually stays in the well zone or the sick zone, but not in between. When the body is in the well zone, a healthy lifestyle will maintain the inner self-healing power.

When the energy level falls into the sick zone, it is my perspective that the energy blockage increases and can severely obstruct the energy flow, out-pacing the inner self-healing power. As a result, a chronic condition can develop and worsen without any treatment or life style correction.

Development Of a Chronic Illness

Poor lifestyle, physical or emotional trauma, and aging can cause one's energy to fall into the sick zone. In almost all cases, patients do not recognize the development of a disorder until there is significant symptoms of an illness.

Healing Of a Chronic Disorder

In view of my professional experience, patients need effective treatment, but patients shouldn't stop treatment right after symptoms disappear, because the energy level is still in the sick zone and the condition will worsen once the treatment is stopped.

It is important to understand that your energy and health are tied together and as your lifestyle becomes unhealthy, your energy will suffer as well.

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