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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Y.C. Chan, OMD, Dipl Ac
Acupuncture Treatment For Dry Mouth
Acupuncture Clinic of Maryland

Acupuncture Treatment For Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be a symptom of many illnesses, most likely to occur in patients with diabetes, cancer, arthritis, hypertension, an infectious disease, stroke, kidney, liver and thyroid problems. However, patients suffering from these disorders may have different symptoms. Dry mouth is one of the complaints for many patients over the age of 60.

During clinical observation, we have found that dry mouth may also be one of the side effects from chemicals and certain medications taken for long periods of time. These include medications for pain, insomnia, allergies, obesity, high blood pressure and infectious diseases. Also, dry mouth and nausea are chief complaints for cancer patients during and after chemotherapy.

Some perfectly healthy people, young and old, experience dry mouth symptoms occasionally, for example, during hot weather in the summer if sufficient amounts of water are not consumed. Also, heavy exercise, opening the mouth to breath, smoking and environmental problems may cause dry mouth in healthy individuals. As long as they correct the problem or their lifestyle, the symptom of dry mouth will disappear.

Saliva deficiency is one of the main reasons for dry mouth. Saliva is part of the body's natural immune system. If the body cannot produce enough saliva, even healthy people may develop serious illnesses such a liver, kidney, or lung diseases. Also, the body may have difficulty healing injuries. If the patient has any other disease already, saliva deficiency can be a serious problem and medical care must be sought as soon as possible.

Acupuncture is an art of energy medicine. It may improve the body's immune system, balance the physical yin and yang energy, and reduce stress and anxiety. Almost all patients can get some benefit from acupuncture treatment. The basic principle for acupuncture is in selecting two important meridians, the large intestine and the bladder. Also, scalp acupuncture can be helpful to body fluid production.

If the patient's dry mouth is due to severe illness, a specialist should be in charge of the case to carefully evaluate the patient's medical history, examine the list of medications they have been prescribed, and to also, analyze the patient's lifestyle and habits. Acupuncture treatment can be used in conjuction with other treatments and healing methods in order to get a better outcome.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130