Acupuncture Clinic of Maryland
11125 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-7866
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Acupuncture For Hip Pain
Pain in the hip is a very common complaint. It can be caused by a variety of medical disorders. Pain on the inside of the hip or groin is the hip pain itself. Pain on the outside of the hip, such as the upper thigh or on the buttock, is usually caused by the muscles, ligaments, tendons and sometimes by the soft tissues that surround the hip joint. However, patient's hip pain can also be caused from different diseases and medical conditions. During clinical observation, back pain, knee pain and referred pain, all very common from arthritis, bursitis, or muscle/nerve damage, can also cause hip pain.
Arthritis leads to inflammation of the hip joints, and reduces the range of motion in the hip. Any forceful activities can cause pain and discomfort of the hip. Tendonitis can cause irritation of the tendons and pain may occur. Also, repetitive activities can put strain on the muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the hip. Local structures may become inflamed from overuse, causing hip pain to appear periodically.
With our age and continuing use of the hip, the cartilage can wear down or become damaged. It depends on the individual patient's activities. If the muscles and tendons in the hip are overused, the hip bone itself can be fractured during a fall or particular injury, such as carrying heavy furniture with an improper position, or suddenly turning in the wrong direction without control.
In the last two decades there have been significant improvements in surgical technologies, and hip replacement has become popular in recent years, however due to common post-surgery complications most patients seek surgery as a last resort.
Acupuncture is a unique approach to relieve hip pain. During the treatment procedure, acupuncture needles stimulate the accurate acu-points. The sensation of dull ache, numbness or fullness around the muscles sends a chemical message to the central nervous system, causing the release of endorphins. As a result, acupuncture stimulation will block the message of pain, which is delivered to the brain. The patient's hip pain can then be reduced, but long-term treatment may be necessary for the complicated cases.
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