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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
New Day Vitality Hormone Center
A New You This Year
New Day Vitality Hormone Center

A New You This Year

“I feel like I've gotten my life back,” says Sherri W., a local 49-year-old woman who had suffered with insomnia, irritability, and other physical issues for years. Recently Sherri began bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. “I feel profoundly different than when I first walked through the door,” she adds.

Like many people, Sherri didn't realize how sex hormones affect many aspects of the mind and body from brain and mood to skin and hair, from metabolism and muscle mass to energy levels and insulin resistance. Sherri went to a hormone specialist hoping to get rid of her hot flashes and night sweats and to see if a good night's sleep was possible. Now, “everything has changed for me!” she says.

Adding a little estrogen, testosterone, progesterone or thyroid hormone can improve your life. Natural hormones can

Improve your energy and make muscles firmer

Ramp up your sex drive

Stop hot flashes and night sweats

Decrease sadness and anxiety

Help you think more clearly

Help you sleep much better

“This cutting-edge therapy improved my foggy thinking and my fatigue,” says another bioidentical hormone replacement patient, Donna, age 52. “And I'm also losing weight!”

If you are in your 30s and 40s, your hormone levels have already declined; for some men and women this could be by 30-40%. For women and men in their 50s-60s, hormone levels could be 60-80% of what they were in younger years.

If you are over 60, supplementing your natural hormones can give you a new, exciting chapter in your life. Just having sex again will make you healthier and happier.

“I love my husband so much but sex was not enjoyable and even painful,” said Jeannine, a 62-year-old who receives bio-identical hormone therapy. “But now, thanks to my hormone specialists, we can't stop touching each other.”

New You in 2018

Bioidentical hormones are provided through pellet therapy. These tiny rice-grain-size pellets are inserted in the fatty area on your hip (using local anesthesia) so the hormones are absorbed directly into your bloodstream over a three-month period. The pellets are available in a variety of dosages so there's no one-size-fits-all pill. Individualized pellet hormone replacement therapy is





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Natural bioidentical hormones can make such a dramatic difference in your daily life. Don't accept the many problems declining sex hormones bring. Talk to a hormone specialist about hormone replacement today. With a little hormone replenishment, you may have a much happier new year.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130