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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Penkala, Author, LMT
Pioneering Cancer Thrivers and Supporters Offering Hope and Help
Optimum Health For Life

Pioneering Cancer Thrivers and Supporters Offering Hope and Help

Pioneering Cancer Thrivers and Supporters Offering Hope and Help

The loss of four childhood friends plus my dad’s passing from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has carved a special place in my heart for those fighting cancer. I have massaged and taught many client’s tools and techniques for their healing journeys. Raindrop Technique® dropping specific essential oils on the spine and back has helped many offering profound emotional relaxation along with vagus nerve breathing techniques like belly breathing.

One inspirational cancer thriver is Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, the 7 Essentials System® and co-founder of My Breast Friend™. She personally fought and beat breast cancer twice, and has been in the wellness industry for over 40 years with her unique passion, teaching women how to properly conduct a breast self-exam. Dr. V empowers women globally to find a trained MammaCare provider to show how to train our fingertips to feel a lump in breasts. Dr. V’s tool that enhances a calming state, so angiogenesis and higher tumor growth is addressed, is to access your healing partner, the vagus nerve since cancer is such an incoherent, chaotic energy. Enhancing and activating this vagal tone helps increase HRV (heart rate variability) which can improve survival rate 4x higher. This heart/brain connection can be found in Heart Math’s Inner Balance technology.

The co-founder and Executive Director of Believe Big, Ivelisse Page is a stage IV colon cancer thriver who embraced complementary and alternative modalities. The addition of mistletoe therapy along with supplements helped beat the 8% survival rate, as she is cancer free since Dec. 2008. Their vision is to see cancer patients and families discover their pathway to healing, as their mission continues to help families face, fight and overcome cancer. Such dedication is evident on their website with the depth of support, especially the podcasts they offer.

Abby Dixson, CES, (owner of Medifit, Inc.) and interviewed on their podcast, is a cancer exercise specialist with a thorough understanding of the cancer process through diagnosis, treatment and recovery. She assesses, designs and implements individualized exercise programs for cancer patients, along with evaluating health risk factors to develop exercise protocols. She also addresses prevention of lymphedema and contraindications that may occur as a result of cancer treatments.

Knowing vagus nerve techniques like breathing into the nose and belly, then exhaling through nose while humming, getting out into the sun, or relaxing with yin yoga, choosing meditation and massage or laughing vigorously with friends are all allies on the journey.
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